
October Once Again

Here it is... October 18th... October again... The fall is here, and behind all the beauty of the colors in the trees, and the sunlight flowing through the leaves... there is a certain emptiness. Something is missing, or rather, someone. Though I am not sure what year, I know that on Otober 30th, a little brother was born... He is late in his teens now, and I have met him.... But only as Daneal, and not as his big sister. We lost him so many years ago, and right around this time every year I begin to think how different it would have been if we hadn't. Sawyer... my baby brother... and he does not know me. It is quite different from my sister Megan, she knew she had another family somewhere.... he thinks we are dead...

Our film was so appropriately named... October Country... since it seems that no matter what it is that happens to us, it is always in October... or somewhere around there. Maybe it is a curse for us... or maybe we bring it all on ourselves...

Happy Birthday to a lost Mosher child...