
That Moment

The moment I decided to stop pleasing my family... stop giving and giving and going out of my way.... family found me... and they actually care... we write everyday now, and for the first time I actually feel accepted by someone other than my sister.  I had no idea that I could not see someone for so many years, and feel like they never even left in the first place.  They plan to see the film, which worries me a little, but somehow I know they won't judge me.  I wish I could see them, but money is tight and I have no vacation... someday I will, my children will, and my husband will meet the family that never ever really abandoned me.

I guess this goes to prove the advice I gave you all a while ago.  You don't need people who do nothing but ask of you... and when you realize that, something, or someone good, and genuine will come along to fill the void.

Thank you Uncle Jimmy, and Aunt Christine, and Uncle George...

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