
It's Strange Pt. 1

Remember when we were all kids, and the only things we had to worry about were skinned knees, and getting inside before dark so our mothers didn't yell? When getting grounded was the absolute worst punishment because it meant we couldn't go outside and play? How quickly it all changed amazes me.

All of the sudden we all woke up, and some of us were graduating, some were in jail, and others were home with their kids. I had never expected it to be this way. The ones that were supposed to go to college after high school ended up working dead-end jobs, or not at all while trying to support their young family. However, the ones that were trying their hardest to be "The Rebel"... actually went somewhere and made something of themselves and their lives. The ones that never cared about anything, suddenly have everything that everyone else deserved.

Life twists and turns in so many different directions, mostly demented. Some people walk all over each other to get what they while, while the ones they are walking on lose everything.

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